Wella Professionals — Official Brand Tagline.

Wella Professionals is a premium hair care brand based in Geneva, Switzerland. They wanted some help re-branding as they launched their new range of B2c products, with a tagline that would last them the next 10+ years. They were looking for their “Just Do It.” So that’s what I gave them.

make it you.

We all want to feel unique. We all want to be the craftsmen of our own lives. We want to do things ourselves, because no one else knows us like we do.

Whether it’s treating damaged hair or changing our whole look, we’ve all experimented with DIY at some point or another, usually crawling back to our hairstylists with our heads hanging low.

Enter WELLA: a salon brand with almost a century and a half of experience in hair artistry, now available outside the salon. This should speak for itself, but folks nowadays aren’t so quick to trust their elders.

The average hair salon customer visits a salon about 2-3 times per year. So what happens in between? Hair grows, dries, fades, falls out… what if we could feel that “WELLA spin”, not 2-3 times a year, but every month, every week, every day?

WELLA is offering the power to make everyday hair decisions without the fear of messing it up. WELLA is offering independence, the freedom to be an artist without the constraints of blunt tools. The power to make your own choices: about your looks, your locks, your life.

make it long, make it short, make it curly, make it smooth, make it pink, make it blue, make it WELLA,

make it you.

Wella Professionals



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